Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Golf Sucks Unless At a Resort

This is the time of year when golf nut friend Charlie tries to get me out to golf in the rain and wind. He loves it because he is a short knocker.

I don't. What says pain-in-the-ass like lift and place, winter rules golf?

It's hard to golf when you have so many layers you are more Michelin Man than Mickelson. Do you really want to carry a towel and wipe that ball all day long?

I know it's all relative. Like if you are from Michigan or Buffalo you think I am the whingingest sack-of-shit golfer ever from California. I am.

Golf was meant for 65-degrees and over, under blue skies. If I rip the ball and make good contact off the tee I expect 250-yards plus. I don't want great contact and 200 yards then plug. Or rooster tails of rain off my putt on a wet green. It's not golf.

So get my ass to Palm Springs or Arizona or Hawaii in the winter and I will enjoy my golf.

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